Thursday, July 9, 2009

05/07/09 In taipan Starbuck

Java Chips and Latte

Aren't my younger sis cute??hahaha..

my younger and elder sis..
aren't they so cute too??

my elder sis and me..=)

me and my elder sis..

me and my elder sis again..=)

my younger sis,me and my elder sis..
im the odd one..hehehe..


my elder sis,my younger sis and me..

elder sis,younger sis and me..=)
the picture above are taken last sunday..
my elder sis came back home..
after dinner,she took me and my younger sis to taipan's starbuck..=)
we are too bored so we keep taking pic..
people around keep looking at us..hahahaha..
we keep delete and re-take the pictures..
we so 'ngam' met Letticia working at Starbuck that day so Letticia gave us 30% discount..
hehehe..Thanks Lett!!=)
Oh ya!!
My computer is finally fixed and the com is moved to my room..
Before this my computer is at my sis room and its spoiled..
Now its fixed and move to my room..
Next time i got more privacy when online d..
but sud not biasa using the com now bcs i biasa use the laptop d..
I dint go school today..
This morning just when i prepared to go school,sud my stomach very pain and head very dizzy..
Feeling very uncomfortable..
At 1st i tot my mom will ask me bring medicine and go school mana tau she sud ask me no need go school..
After eating my breakfast,i ate my medicine and went to sleep..
The medicine its just a painkiller..
I woke up around 10.30 then elaine and li shing sud call me from school..
I was so shock..
Dint expect them to call me..
But im very happy they called me cause im alone at home and my stomach is so pain then they sud call me and cheer me up..=)
Last saturday is my school open day..
still rmb what happen to me on my 1st open day this year??
Mr.Thiru talk all bad things bout me..
Thank God this time the open day,he dint talk bad about me..
He say i got improve in my studies..
Phew..My dad dint scold me for my results too..=)
Can't wait for next saturday!!
Its my class trip to Melaka..
1st time going for my class trip in secondary school..
Very excited now..hehe..
Then 1 August my school got some Hari Keusahawanan thing..
Every class will open a store to sell something or do something that can earn money..
My class will be selling chapati,mee,fried chicken,some drinks and might sell some old books or old toys..
Its my school 1st time doing all this thing..
Hope its gonna be fun..
Everyone is welcome to come but u have to buy coupons la..
k la..
Thats it for my update today..
Head very dizzy now..
have to go rest d..
Tmr have to go school cause got eng oral and have to give the money for the class trip..